Bicycle Accidents

Nowadays bicycling has been increasing in popularity as a means of leisure and commuting. However, since there are more bikers on roadways, incidents involving bikes similarly increased. The victims of these incidents may have serious injuries as well as dire financial consequences. Lawsuit loans have become a useful tool for easing the financial strain that bicycle accident victims have while going through the legal procedure.

As you read on, we will examine the prospect of Mayfair lawsuit loans for bicycle accidents, how we operate, its advantages, eligibility requirements, application procedure, comprehending the terms and conditions, assessing the cost, and lawsuit loan alternates.

Following an accident, a biker who is awaiting legal action can be concerned about restoring their bike and covering their medical expenses. You need not stand by thanks to Mayfair’s legal funding. Most of the time, you may receive funds from your eventual settlement within a matter of hours.

Mayfair Legal Funding, LLC,. provides non-recourse cash advances, all references to the word loan and or loans are for marketing purposes only. Mayfair Legal Funding, LLC., provides non-recourse cash advances, structured as a purchase of an equitable lien in a potential settlement of a claim. Mayfair Legal Funding, LLC., does not provide nor offer loans and or lending services.

Bicycle Accident FAQ’s

Bicycle accident lawsuit loans operate in the same way as the other civil cases Mayfair handles. What matters is if there is a probability that your lawsuit may result in funding recompense. This implies that litigation loans are available for civil actions involving no physical harm, such as discrimination.

After applying, we’ll discuss with your attorney to learn more about your claim and decide whether or not to provide a loan. If you are approved and take the funding, we will disperse the money to the account you have as quickly as we can. You may utilize it in whatever you see fit.

A bicycle accident lawsuit loan application from Mayfair is a simple procedure. We offer a secure online form that plaintiffs are able to fill out. The following are the specifics that we look into:

  • The strength of the case
  • The chance of victory
  • The possible settlement or judgment amount

Applicants often need to be in the middle of a bicycle accident litigation, have legal counsel, and have a good chance of prevailing for you to qualify for legal funding from Mayfair.

After receiving the cost-free application, Mayfair quickly assesses the situation and renders a decision. The funds are normally released within just a few hours of approval!

Legal funding for bicycle accident lawsuits can be useful, but it might not be the best choice for everybody. Alternative finance options include using personal funds, taking out loans from friends or relatives, negotiating with healthcare providers, or looking into conventional loans. You ought to evaluate the advantages and drawbacks and select the option that best meets your needs.

With regard to the circumstances of your case, we will decide the amount of cash to provide you. Our lending varies starting at $500 and going up to $1 million. We will be able to provide more if your case is valued higher.

Before submitting an application for a lawsuit loan with Mayfair, borrowers are required to retain legal representation. This will increase your borrowing capacity alongside protecting you.

Understanding Lawsuit Loans
for Bike Accidents

Persons involved in bicycle accident cases might get financial support through bicycle accident lawsuit loans, also called bicycle accident legal funding or bicycle accident pre-settlement money.

  • These loans have been created especially to support plaintiffs with their continuing and urgent costs while their lawsuit is in progress.
  • Loans from bicycle accident lawsuits are non-recourse, in contrast to conventional loans, therefore repayment is conditioned on the lawsuit’s completion. The plaintiff is not obligated to pay back the loan if they lose the lawsuit.
Advantages of Bicycle Accidents Lawsuit
Loans From Mayfair

Loans for bicycle accident lawsuits have various advantages for plaintiffs.

  1. Instant Funds
    Firstly, we offer the victim instant financial assistance by enabling them to access money to pay for necessities while their case develops. This may keep individuals from compromising too soon for lesser funds due to financial strain.
  2. Even Playing Field
    In addition, Mayfair’s legal funds may even out the playing field by giving plaintiffs the money they need to retain knowledgeable lawyers and specialists who can support their claims.
  3. Non-Recourse
    Furthermore, because these loans are non-recourse, plaintiffs are exempt from repayment obligations even if they lost the lawsuit.

Seek Your Bicycle Pre-Settlement Funding From Mayfair

Accidents involving bicycles can have severe monetary and physical repercussions. By providing financial assistance during the legal procedure, Mayfair’s legal funding offers vital support to people harmed in bicycle accidents.

Bicycle Accidents in the US

Although bicycle excursions only make up 1% of all trips made in the US, cyclists are more than 2% of those killed in crashes involving motor vehicles on our country’s highways. Every year, vehicle accidents in the US result in over 130,000 injuries and close to 1,000 fatalities for bicycles.

Additionally, the annual cost of bicycle-related injuries and fatalities in the United States exceeds $23 billion, which includes medical expenses, missed productivity at work, and projected expenditures for missed quality of life and fatalities.

They offer plaintiffs the means to pursue just recompense while also easing immediate financial difficulties, enabling them to engage qualified legal counsel. Before choosing a lawsuit loan, it is crucial to thoroughly weigh the terms, expenses, and available options. Bicycle accident victims may undertake their legal route with greater ease if they grasp the procedure and make educated choices.

You may receive a quick loan after a bicycle accident with Mayfair’s assistance. Setting up a no-cost consultation is the initial step.

You may accomplish that by calling (888) 357-1338 or using our website’s Apply Now page. Keep in mind that in addition to being considered for a lawsuit loan, you must have an active claim or lawsuit and an attorney on your side. We’re ready to assist you in obtaining justice.