Personal Injury Lawsuit Loans

Anyone can be substantially impacted by personal injuries, which in turn cause physical, emotional, and financial difficulties. In this case, you can be qualified for a personal injury loan, also called legal funding. The significance of acquiring legal funds from Mayfair, a reputable provider of personal injury loans, will be discussed as you read on.

Mayfair Legal Funding, LLC,. provides non-recourse cash advances, all references to the word loan and or loans are for marketing purposes only. Mayfair Legal Funding, LLC., provides non-recourse cash advances, structured as a purchase of an equitable lien in a potential settlement of a claim. Mayfair Legal Funding, LLC., does not provide nor offer loans and or lending services.

Personal Injury FAQ’s

Statute of limitations laws are the most frequent state legislation that can affect your suitability for personal injury pre-settlement loans. Statute of limitations regulations specifies the duration limit within which a party must bring their complaint to court to avoid having their claim dismissed.

In the case of conventional loans, monthly installments are due right away. We’re willing to wait, but litigation loans are only able to be returned with money from your eventual settlement. When your case is fully settled, the liable party will write you a check for the entire settlement amount.

Borrowers have absolutely no risk when taking out non-recourse loans for personal injury cases. With injury lawsuit loans, compared to ordinary loans, the sole collateral at risk is your settlement amount. The settlement of your personal injury claims will be the only source of payments for your lawsuit loan, keeping your private assets unaffected.

Settling a personal injury suit takes weeks or even years to resolve. You could have to deal with more debt during that period as well as less money than you did before the incident to cover it. So that you are able to fight against the defense’s urge to settle for fewer, a personal injury lawsuit cash advance can assist you in covering missed wages and other living costs.

Loans for personal injuries cover costs like:

  • Mortgage or rent payments
  • Groceries, utilities, and other everyday costs
  • Healthcare treatment
  • Childcare costs
  • Expenses related to education, among them, are student loans
  • Automobile loans
  • Debt incurred through credit cards

The list is by itself not exhaustive. You are free to spend your personal injury lawsuit funds however you see fit. Whatever usage you decide to make of the funds is entirely up to you.

If you have open injury lawsuits, you are probably already pre-qualified to access pre-settlement finance from funding providers. You won’t be able to get a personal injury pre-settlement loan by solely doing that, though. To be eligible for personal injury loans, you also ought to fulfill several additional minimum requirements.

The strength of your case will have the biggest impact on whether you qualify for personal injury lawsuit loans. If it is apparent that the defendant’s acts caused you suffering and the defendant’s insurance provider acknowledges responsibility, you can be eligible for larger immediate cash advances with less interest.

You must meet these minimum requirements for you to be able to obtain litigation loans for a personal injury claim:

  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You have brought a claim for personal injury.
  • A lawyer working on contingency is defending you.

You can typically receive a litigation cash advance equal to 10% to 30% of the anticipated worth of your financial settlement. Whilst particulars of your case will determine how much money you are given as a settlement loan. We’ll examine in depth who is responsible for your damages, what sort of insurance is available to cover them, and how much they might be.

  • Liability: We will also assess the facts of your case in establishing who is liable for your damages. You’ll have a far more chance of succeeding in your case if the opposing side can be held entirely accountable. Some states still allow for partial blame when it comes to personal injury advances, although this is typically not an option in at-fault jurisdictions.
  • Protection: The extent of the defendant’s insurance policy will decide the highest possible amount of your prospective settlement. For vehicular accidents, states may enforce a minimum policy limit that you may utilize as a starting point for your cash advances. Commercial plans frequently have much bigger coverage amounts, which may enable you to get more money for your claim for personal injury.
  • Damages: The magnitude of your losses will establish a ceiling on how much money you can receive in a personal injury settlement. In addition to enduring significant injury, you might have to deal with hospital bills and income loss. Moreover, you can experience mental anguish, all of which ought to be compensated for in your overall settlement.
Understanding Personal Injury Loans

A financial alternative known as a personal injury loan provides funding to people who have been involved in personal injury cases. It is a non-recourse loan, so only after the case succeeds will it be paid back.

The only legitimate source of funds for repaying loans in non-recourse loans is the collateral. You aren’t obligated by the lender to employ any assets—including income and property—other than the eventual settlement of the lawsuit. This distinction has various implications for how you qualify for and pay back your loan.

The Need for Legal Funding

Personal injury litigation can be a time-consuming and expensive process. People frequently experience growing debts and financial pressure while waiting for a settlement or judgment. Legal funding supplies lifesaving assistance by giving litigants access to quick cash so they can meet their financial responsibilities without affecting their legal claims. It guarantees that they are able to cover their daily costs and carry on fighting for their legal entitlements.

How to Apply for a Personal Injury Loan

The application process for a personal injury loan from Mayfair is simple. This is how it goes:

  • Contact Mayfair: To start the application process, get in touch with Mayfair via our website or by calling our toll-free number at (888) 357-1338. You should be able to apply with the help of your personal injury attorney. Mayfair conducts legal funding applications smoothly by coordinating closely with your legal counsel.
  • Provide Details: Complete the required papers and give information about your personal injury case, along with the anticipated settlement sum.
  • Evaluation: Depending on the strength of your claim, Mayfair will examine your case and evaluate the potential loan sum.
  • Approval: Following an evaluation of your case, Mayfair will let you know of its choice and the conditions of the loan. You can move forward with taking the loan offer if you are granted it.

The personal injury loan approval procedure at Mayfair is intended to be quick and easy. Instead of looking at the applicant’s credit rating, they weigh the case’s merits. The defendant’s liability, the severity of the injuries, and the anticipated settlement or award sum are the main considerations they examine.

Obtain A Personal Injury Loan From Mayfair Today

Benefits of Mayfair’s Personal Injury Loans

Mayfair focuses primarily on serving clients with personal injury cases by offering personal injury financing. The following are some major advantages of employing Mayfair for legal funding:

  1. Quick and Effective Process
    Mayfair is aware of how pressing financial requirements are in personal injury claims. Plaintiffs have speedy access to cash thanks to their shortened application and approval processes, typically within days or just 48 hours.
  2. Non-Recourse Funding
    The plaintiff is not required to return the loan if their lawsuit is dismissed thanks to Mayfair’s non-recourse personal injury loans. Since they simply pay back the loan if they prevail in court and earn a settlement or award, this lowers the risk for borrowers.
  3. No Upfront Fees or Monthly Payments
    Mayfair doesn’t involve monthly payments or up-front fees, unlike conventional loans. In an effort to ensure that plaintiffs can concentrate on their recovery and lawsuits without being constrained by urgent financial commitments, the loan is paid back from the settlement or verdict.
  4. Flexible Options for Repayment
    Mayfair provides flexible repayment alternatives catered to the requirements of the client. With the goal to design a repayment plan that fits with the expected timetable of the case, they collaborate closely with plaintiffs and their attorneys. This flexibility gives borrowers peace of mind and makes it possible for them to handle their money well.
Cases That Qualify For Loans For Personal
Injury Settlements

Various personal injury situations can benefit from pre-settlement funding. The following are a few of the most typical forms of personal injury lawsuit loans that we finance:

  • Loans for auto accidents
  • Financing for workers’ compensation cases
  • Loans for slip-and-fall injuries
  • Financing for sexual abuse lawsuits
  • Loans for medical malpractice actions
  • Loans for product liability cases; and more.

The total amount of cases we finance is constantly expanding. Additionally, we provide funding for mass tort plaintiffs’ personal injury settlement funding.

Legal funding from Mayfair can help people involved in personal injury litigation drastically lessen their financial burden. They are a dependable solution for individuals in need due to their quick and effective approach, non-recourse finance, and flexible repayment options. Plaintiffs may concentrate on their healing and legal proceedings without the extra stress of urgent financial commitments by obtaining a personal injury loan.

The Mayfair application process is quick, simple, and cost-free to complete. Just complete our secure inquiry form or give us a call at (888) 357-1338, and our helpful staff will be delighted to help you.