Lawsuit Loans Interest – How Much Does Legal Funding Cost?

Are you thinking about seeking legal funding? Legal funding, also known as lawsuit loans, can provide much-needed financial relief during this challenging time. However, it’s essential to fully understand the terms and conditions that come with it. Before diving in, take the time to grasp the interest rates, fees, and repayment terms to ensure you’re making the right decision.

When considering legal funding, several factors impact the overall cost, such as your case’s complexity and duration, the amount of funding needed, and the terms set by the funding company. To make an informed decision, research and compare different funding options to find the best fit for your financial needs and case specifics.

Lastly, make sure to consult with your attorney for guidance before pursuing legal funding. They can advise on whether legal funding is suitable for your situation and help you navigate the funding process. By seeking professional advice and staying informed, you can ensure that legal funding serves as a helpful resource, not a financial burden, during litigation.

What is Legal Funding?

Legal funding, also known as lawsuit loans, can be a crucial resource for individuals facing financial hardship during a lawsuit, but it’s essential to understand how it works and the potential implications before pursuing this option.

The process of legal funding typically involves a funding company assessing the merits of a lawsuit and the likelihood of a favorable settlement. If approved, the funding company provides the cash advance, which is repaid from the settlement if the case is successful. However, if the case is lost, the individual generally does not need to repay the advance, making it a non-recourse loan.

How Legal Funding Works

Legal funding is a process where a funding company provides you with money based on the expected value of your settlement. To apply, you must submit details of your case for evaluation. The company assesses factors such as the strength of your case and potential settlement amount. If approved, you’ll receive a funding agreement specifying the advance amount, fees, and repayment terms. This money is intended to cover living expenses and legal fees. Repayment is contingent on your case outcome. If you win, the funding company receives a portion of your settlement. While legal funding can be beneficial, it’s essential to fully understand its terms before committing.

Lawsuit Loans vs Traditional Loans

Lawsuit loans offer quick cash access but with high interest rates from 27% to 60% per year due to their non-recourse nature and no repayment if you lose your case. Traditional loans, like bank loans, have lower rates, around 4-6% per year, but missing payments can harm your credit.

Lawsuit loans often don’t require upfront fees and use your settlement as collateral, while traditional loans may need collateral like a home or car. Lawsuit loans offer more flexibility and larger amounts based on case merits, while traditional loans are more restrictive. Choose based on your risk tolerance and needs.

Factors That Affect Legal Funding Cost

Legal funding can be a valuable resource for individuals facing financial strain during a lawsuit, but the cost can vary depending on several factors.

Type of Case

While personal injury cases often have higher funding limits and lower rates, medical malpractice cases may come with higher rates due to their complexity and longer resolution times. Additionally, employment disputes generally have lower funding limits and higher rates, potentially increasing the overall cost of funding.

Strength of the Case

The strength of your case is another key factor in determining the cost of legal funding. Cases with clear liability, strong evidence, and significant damages are more likely to be approved for funding and may qualify for lower rates as they pose a lower risk to the funding company.

Stage of the Lawsuit

The stage of your lawsuit can also affect the cost of funding. Cases that are further along in the legal process, such as those in trial or post-verdict awaiting appeal, may qualify for higher funding amounts and lower rates compared to cases that are still in the pre-trial stage.

Amount of Funding Requested

The amount of funding you request can also impact the cost. Larger advances may come with higher fees and interest rates, while smaller advances may have lower costs. Similarly, longer funding periods may result in higher total costs, even if the monthly rate is lower.

Duration of Funding

The length of time you require funding can also impact the total cost. Longer funding periods may lead to higher overall costs, even if the monthly rate is lower.

Legal Funding Interest Rates & Fees

Typical Interest Rates

Interest rates for legal funding can vary widely, but typically range from 27-60% annually. It’s important to understand that these rates are much higher than traditional loans due to the risk involved for the funding company.

Compounding vs. Non-Compounding Interest

Some legal funding companies charge compounding interest, which means that interest is calculated on the principal plus any unpaid interest. This can quickly add up and significantly increase the total cost of funding. Non-compounding interest, on the other hand, is only calculated on the principal balance, which can save you money in the long run.

Origination Fees

Many legal funding companies charge origination fees, which are one-time fees assessed when you receive your funding. These fees can range from 1-10% of the total funding amount and are typically deducted from your advance.

Other Fees

Some funding companies may charge additional fees, such as:

  • Case review fees for evaluating your case
  • Underwriting fees for processing your application
  • Wire transfer fees for depositing funds into your account

It’s important to ask about all potential fees before agreeing to legal funding.

Total Cost of Legal Funding

Calculating the Total Repayment

To calculate the total cost of legal funding, you’ll need to consider the interest rate, fees, and length of funding. For example, let’s say you receive a $10,000 advance with a 3% monthly interest rate and a 10% origination fee. If your case takes a year to settle, you’ll repay a total of $14,500:

  • $10,000 principal
  • $1,000 origination fee
  • $3,500 in interest (10 months at $350 per month)

A Portion of the Settlement Used for Repayment

It’s important to understand that the total cost of legal funding will be deducted from your final settlement or award. In our experience, funding typically amounts to 10-20% of the total settlement. So if you receive a $100,000 settlement, $10,000-$20,000 may go towards repaying your legal funding.

Pros & Cons of Legal Funding


  • Get cash now to pay for living expenses, medical bills, and other costs
  • No monthly payments required
  • Only repay if you win your case
  • Risk-free funding with no credit check or income verification


  • High interest rates can significantly increase the total cost
  • A portion of your settlement will go toward repayment
  • Not all cases qualify for funding

Key Takeaways on Legal Funding Costs

Here are the main points to remember:

Understanding Total Cost of Capital

Before applying for legal funding, it’s crucial to understand the total cost of capital. This includes not only the principal amount you borrow, but also the interest, fees, and other charges. Make sure to ask potential funding companies for a clear breakdown of all costs.

Comparing Offers from Multiple Funders

We highly recommend shopping around and comparing offers from multiple legal funding companies. Look for funders that offer transparent terms, competitive rates, and no hidden fees. Don’t be afraid to negotiate and ask for better terms!

Discussing Options With Your Attorney

Your attorney can be a valuable resource when considering legal funding. They can help you understand the potential value of your case, estimate how long it may take to settle, and advise you on the pros and cons of funding. Be sure to discuss your options with your attorney before making a decision.

Legal Funding from Mayfair Legal Funding

Competitive Rates & Clear Terms

At Mayfair Legal Funding, we pride ourselves on offering competitive rates and clear, transparent terms. Our non-compounding rates start as low as 1% per month, and we never charge hidden fees. Plus, you only repay if you win your case!

Quick & Easy Application Process

Applying for funding with Mayfair Legal Funding is quick and easy. Simply fill out our online application or call us at (888) 357-1338 to get started. Our team will review your case and provide a funding decision within 24 hours. If approved, you could have cash in your account in as little as 24 hours!

Get The Legal Funding You Need With Mayfair

Legal funding can be a lifeline for plaintiffs struggling to make ends meet while waiting for their case to settle. However, it’s important to understand the total cost of funding and to choose a reputable funder with competitive rates and clear terms.

If you’re considering legal funding, we encourage you to give Mayfair Legal Funding a call at (888) 357-1338. Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine if legal funding is right for you. Don’t let a lengthy legal battle derail your life – get the financial support you need with Mayfair Legal Funding!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to get legal funding?

At Mayfair Legal Funding, we can approve your application and deposit funds into your account in as little as 24 hours.

Do I need good credit to qualify?

No, we do not require a credit check or proof of income to qualify for funding. We base our decision on the strength of your case.

What happens if I lose my lawsuit?

If you lose your case, you owe us nothing! Legal funding is non-recourse, which means you only repay if you win.

What can I use the money for?

You can use your legal funding for any purpose, including paying for living expenses, medical bills, or other costs while waiting for your case to settle.

A hypothetical example of how legal funding can help is as follows:

Jane was injured in a car accident and is unable to work while she recovers from her injuries. Her bills are piling up, and she’s worried about losing her home. She applies for legal funding with Mayfair Legal Funding and is approved for a $5,000 advance within 24 hours! She uses the money to catch up on her mortgage payments and buy groceries for her family. Two years later, her case settled for $100,000. She repays Mayfair the $5,000 principal plus $2,500 in fees and interest, for a total of $7,500. She keeps the remaining $92,500 and is able to move forward with her life!